Journey of Imām Warsh from Egypt to Madina

Imām Warsh traveled all the way from Egypt to Madina to recite to the great teacher Imām Nāfiʿ but found a large number of students waiting to recite. Imām Nāfiʿ allowed every student to recite only 30 verses and so Imām Warsh was worried that he may not get a chance to recite despite coming from a far-off place.

Imām Warsh requested a person, who was close to Imām Nāfiʿ to help him to recite to the great teacher. Imām Nāfiʿsuggested that Imām Warsh should sleep in the masjid to get a chance to recite first, right after Fajr Salah.

When Imām Warsh recited in the most meticulous and beautiful manner, all the students were captivated by his recitation. When Imām Warsh completed 30 verses, his classmate declared that He would give 10 verses from his share to Imām Warsh and this was continued by several students, until Imām Warsh completed a full Khatm in 50 days.

He later returned to Egypt where he became renowned for his skill and knowledge of the Qurʾān, becoming the Sheikh al-Qurrāʾ there.

وَءَاتِ ذَا ٱلْقُرْبَىٰ حَقَّهُۥ وَٱلْمِسْكِينَ وَٱبْنَ ٱلسَّبِيلِ وَلَا تُبَذِّرْ تَبْذِيرًا

Give to close relatives their due, as well as the poor and ˹needy˺ travelers. And do not spend wastefully.

Surah Al-Isra, Verse 26


Ḥamzah ibn Ḥabīb ibn ʿUmārah ibn Ismāʿīl al-Zayyāt: the sixth imam from the seven qurrāʾ


Abū Saʿīd ʿUthmān ibn Saʿīd ibn ʿAbd Allah ibn ʿAmr ibn Sulaymān ibn Ibrāhīm