Courses for Women

We offer several courses for women from basic courses for beginners to advanced Tajweed and even in-depth courses on other methods of recitation.

Calendar 2024-2025 by Saba Saeed

Recitation Courses


Qaidah Nuraniyyah

Learn how to read Quran starting with the basic letters and the joining of words to the application of basic Tajweed rules in this 3-month course.

(Registrations Closed for 2024)


Juz Amma

Learn to read the 30th part (Juz Amma) of the Quran with proper pronunciation and application of Tajweed rules.

(Registration closed for 2024 )


(Open Maqra)

(Qur'an Reading Centre) for women across the globe to recite to a teacher, free of cost. This initiative will help women read, learn, and correct their recitation of the Qur'an from anywhere, at any time.

Now Maqra in Riwayah Shubah on Saturdays

8-10 am ksa

Read and ascend

One on one quality reading, In your convenient time, Choice of your favorite Riwayah

  • Select the best time for your choice

  • Select the Riwaya you like to practice.

  • Pay as to your needed hours

Tajweed Courses


Nada ul Quloob

(The Dew of the Hearts)

A beginner’s level Tajweed course for sisters that gives them droplets of knowledge, aiming to help them fulfill their obligation of reciting the Qur’an properly, without necessarily knowing all the theoretical aspects of the recitation rules.

[English, Urdu, Malayalam and Tamil]

Gaith ul Quloob

(The Blessed Rain of the Hearts)

An intermediate-level course where students get detailed knowledge and a comprehensive understanding of Tajweed. Tajweed rules are introduced for scientific reasons and cover 60% of the reading method of Hafs An Aasim.

[ 2024 batch registration open]

Anhar ul Quloob


The Flowing Rivers of the Heart)

An advanced course that turns students into running rivers which water others’ hearts, and teach them how to read the Qur’an. This is an advanced Tajweed course for those who have in depth knowledge of the Tajweed rules. This course concludes all the Usool of Imam Hafs an Asim and includes a special course in the Riwayah of Imam Shu’bah an Asim for those who are interested in completing the Qira’ah of Asim.


(Unlocking Lexical Stress)

The unique opportunity to explore the world of Nabr, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Memorization (Hifdh) Course


Hifdh - Memorization Courses

We provide free Hifz courses for women across the world that have the desire to learn and memorize the Qur’an. We conduct Hifz programs as preparation for the month of Ramadan, so these courses are arranged a few months prior to Ramadan each year.

Registration is closed for the year 2024

Ijaza Courses



Sharh Al-Jazariyyah is studying the famous poem of Tajwīd, ‘Al-Jazariyyah’ by the teacher and prominent Imām of Qira'āt, Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Yusuf Ibn Al-Jazari. Students will grasp the fundamental rules of Tajwīd theory by going through a detailed explanation of the widely recognized and taught text. 

(New batch starting Juy 2024)

Al-Salsabeel Al-Shafiee

Qaṣidat al-Khāqāniyyah

In this course, students will learn the explanation of the poem and receive an Ijaza in the Tajweed poem written by Imam Khāqāniy. 

(English) (Urdu)



Jazariyyah (Intensive course)

This is a short crash course, focusing on the explanation of the abyaat.

This course is aimed at students who have previously studied most of the rules of Tajweed including Makhaarij, Sifaat, Madd, Qalqalah, etc or have successfully completed the Jazariyyah before, but in the need of abyaat explanation or sanad on this text.

New registration open

Qira’at (Midad) Courses


These are special courses where students learn the Usool (principles) of various Imams of Qira’at and are specific for sisters that have successfully completed the rules and Usool of Hafs an Asim.




Ibn Katheer


Abu Jafar



Ashab ul Silah

Ashab ut Tawassut

Ḥamzah ibn Ḥabīb Zayyāt


Irtiqaa- Teacher training course - 2024


For the first time, we present a Teacher Training course via an online platform for the benefit of candidates from various countries. Join and ascend with us together!