Recitation without an error!

Imam ʿĀṣim ibn Bahdalah Abū al-Najūd (رَحِمَهُ ٱللَّٰهُ) is reported to have recited the entire Quran flawlessly after recovering from a two-year-ling illness. SubhanAllah, when we reflect on this, remarkable feat reflects his years of dedication and hard work in the pursuit of pleasing Allah (SWT). It is truly a miraculous accomplishment that inspires awe and admiration.

His Expert Knowledge:

Imām 'Āṣim studied with great scholars such as Abū ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Sulamī, Zirr ibn Ḥubaysh and Abū ʿAmr Saʿd ibn Iyyās al-Shaybānī

Imām Shāṭibī in his poem, Shatibiyyah writes that the knowledge from Imām 'Āṣim spread like that of the fragrance of cloves and musk-like perfume during his time.

Imām Aḥmad ibn Ḥambal (narrated to his son) that after the Qirā’ah of Madinah (Imām Nāfi’), he preferred the Qirā’ah of Imām 'Āṣim.

It is narrated that Imām ʿĀṣim became ill for a period of two years, after which he recovered. He mentioned that upon his recovery he recited the entire Qurʾān without any errors!

Imām Shuʿbah narrates that when he entered upon Imām ʿĀṣim on his death bed, it appeared as if Imām ʿĀṣim was reciting in his salah, his recitation was perfect and beautiful as it used to be when he recited the Qurʾān at other times, giving full haqq to each letter.


Humility and humbleness of Imaam Aasim


Imam Shu’ba’s keenness to learn the words of Allah