Deep attachment with the Qurʾān

His student Sulaym narrated that once he saw Imām Hamzah weeping while reciting the Qurʾān and informed him that he was pondering over verse 185 in Surah al Imran and thinking about his own level of taqwa.

فَمَن زُحْزِحَ عَنِ النَّارِ وَأُدْخِلَ الْجَنَّةَ فَقَدْ فَازَ

dreamt that he had recited the Qurʾān to Allah (ﷻ), and was gifted a beautiful crown of splendor!!!

There are narrations that say Imām Hamzah recited the entire Qurʾān to Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), in a dream, and Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) confirmed to him that, what Imām Hamzah recited was the way the Qurʾān was revealed.

Some said that the only reason Allah (ﷻ), kept calamities (flooding was common in Kufa) away from Kufa was due to Imām Ḥamzah.


His Ethics with Students


Leading Prayers at Kufa and Dedication to the Qur’an