ʿĀṣim ibn Bahdalah Abū al-Najūd’s Love for Salah

Imām 'Āṣim used to be known as an adherent of the sunnah of Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ), he spent his Fridays after Jumu’ah Salah till Asr in the masjid.

Whenever he passed by a masjid, he would enter and offer salah. He would stand completely erect (like a stick) in his salah (by giving due haqq)

Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ)said:

‘A prayer in which a person does not straighten his spine in his rukoo’ and sujood does not count.”

(Tirmidhi; 265, al-Nasaa’i; 1027, Abu Dawood; 855, Ibn Maajah; 870]


Manner of Resting


Imām 'Āṣim’s (رَحِمَهُ ٱللَّٰهُ) Final Moments