Acceptance of his Qirā’ah

Respected and renowned Imām’s, who were contemporary to Imām Nāfiʿ recommended the Qirā’ah of Imām Nāfiʿ.

Imām Mālik said that Imām Nāfiʿ was the Imam of all people regarding recitation.

Imām Mālik also said: “The reading of the people of Medina follows the Sunnah.” He then conveyed that this was the reading of Imām Nāfiʿ.

Imām Aḥmad ibn Ḥambal was asked by his son: which reading is most beloved to you? He replied: “The reading of the people of Medina (indicating Imām Nāfi) and if not, then the reading of Imām ʿĀṣim.”


His Concern for Others


Teacher of different Qirā'āt